Dundee Dog Park Community Project


February 16, 2024 | Community

Did you know that by simply recycling your cardboard at the Dundee Dog Park, you are contributing to the maintenance and growth of a beloved community space? The horse trailers located at the back of the park are not just a place to unload your cardboard, but a symbol of the dedication and hard work of volunteers who make the park possible.

By supporting Dundee Dog Park, you are supporting the idea that small actions can lead to big changes in our community. Let’s continue to make this town a great place to live, one recycled cardboard box at a time.

Essentially, what we are getting at, is if you want to support your local dog park, dump your trash there! (You don’t hear that often.)

However, don’t leave your dog’s trash…

The start…

Our team has been hard at work fixing and sprucing up the dog park benches and chairs. We’ve used a durable satin exterior paint from Benjamin Moore that can withstand plenty of use without showing signs of wear. Our paint expert describes it as “painting with marshmallow fluff”.

…and the finish.

We had a lot of fun working on this project. It gave some of our staff an opportunity to give back and change up their typical day-to-day routine. We hope you’ll come and enjoy this fantastic community-supported dog park, and give those benches and chairs a try!

Thank you Dundee Memorial Dog Park for letting us take this on as our 2024 Quarter 1 Community Project.

C onnect to one another

O ften enough and

M ore than you think.

M agic happens

U nder the bright sky and

N ear your friends when

I maginations take over.

T oday we want to tell you

Y ou bring joy to our little town.

Take a Walk Through the Park With Us

Our Valley Ace team sends you all the best, and hope you enjoy some fresh air with your furry friends.

Check out their Facebook page to see more @DundeeDogPark

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